Synovial Sarcoma


Bakers Cyst MRISynovial Sarcoma Foot MRI0001SS elbow 1




Aggressive malignancy with high recurrence and metastatic potential


5 - 10% sarcoma


Occurs younger

- peak age 3rd-4th decade

- same age group as other synovial pathology (primary synovial chondromatosis and PVNS)

- 2nd most common in children after rhabdomyosarcoma


Characteristic translocation in >95% cases - t(X:18)




Occur near to but rarely within joint

- extremities particularly around the knee

- most common sarcoma of the foot


Can be slow growing compared to other sarcomas




May have calcification


Differential soft tissue lump with calcification


Soft tissue sarcoma

Benign soft tissue tumour - hemangioma / AVM

Myositis Ossification




Heterogenous mass, low signal intensity T1, high signal intensity T2

- may have characteristic triple signal intensity

- area hyperintensity, isointensity and hypointensity




Heterogenous mass, not communicating with joint


DDx Baker's cyst

- semimembranosus

- communicates with joint

- between semimebranosus tendon and medial head gastrocnemius


Bakers Cyst MRIBakers Cyst MRI




Synovial Sarcoma Foot MRI0001Synovial Sarcoma Foot MRI0002




SS elbow 1SS Elbow 2SS Elbow


Synovial sarcoma elbow 2Synovial sarc elbow 1




SS buttock 1SS buttock 2




Up to 50% present after unplanned excision


Wide resection + radiotherapy



- of benefit in children

- may be of benefit in adults




Sultan et al Cancer 2009

- 1268 cases of synovial sarcoma

- 5 year survival for adults 62%

- 5 year survival for children 83%