Synovial Fluid Analysis

Cell Counts x 106/L


Done by a grid system per HPF

- x40

- averaged over 10 fields



- 0-200


Non Inflamm (Trauma / OA)

- 50 - 500


Inflamm (RA / Crystals)

- 1500 - 50 000



- > 50 000

- exception is gonococcal arthritis


Different Units


Standard now SI Units 10 x 106/ L  

= 10 cells / mm3

= 10  x  103 /ml 

= 10  x  103 /cc

= 10  x  105 /dl

= 10  x  105 /100ml

= 10  x  106 / L


Cell Differential


Polymorph % 

- normal 0-25 %

- non inflammatory = 0- 25 %

- inflammatory = 30- 70 %

- infection  > 75 %



- will decrease as inflamation increases

- effect of hyluronate lost

- hence sepsis = Low viscosity




Glucose < BSL


± Crystals as acid Ph decreases solubility

- presence of crystals does not exclude infection


Gram stain positive 30%

Culture positive 60%




WCC > 50,000 + > 90% PMN leukocytes

- should be considered infectious regardless of the culture results 


Fink Clin Rheum Dis 1986;12:423. 

- large series of culture-proven cases of bacterial septic arthritis

- only 44% had cell counts > 100,000 per mm3

- 34% of cases having counts of < 25,000 per mL