Subtalar and Triple Arthodesis


STJ DoubleTriple




Subtalar arthrodesis: Talocalcalcaneal joint

Double arthrodesis: Subtalar joint (STJ) + talonavicular joint (TNJ)

Triple arthrodesis: Subtalar + talonavicular + calcaneocuboid joint (CCJ)




Movement Posterior facet Middle facet Anterior facet

Inversion / eversion

Pronation / supination


Saddle shaped

Medial / sustentacular facet of talus

Middle facet of the sustenaculum tali of the calcaneus


Head of talus with anterior facet of the calcaneus

Walking on uneven terrain      



Subtalar anatomy






Cannot correct hindfoot deformity without correcting / reducing TNJ +/- CCJ


Subtalar arthrodesis Double / triple arthrodesis

Isolated subtalar osteoarthritis

Preserved TNJ and CCJ

Arthritis of TNJ and CCJ as well as STJ
Post fracture with minimal deformity

Deformity correction

- fixed acquired planovalgus

- calcaneal fracture with collapse and deformity

- subluxed talus

- rheumatoid arthritis

- Charcot / Polio / Cerebral palsy






Variable due to high number of different indications for triple arthrodesis


Ebalard et al Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2014

- 72 hind and midfoot fusions with minimum 10 year follow up

- 26% poor or bad outcomes

- 84% of patients had pain

- better outcomes with normal alignment


Double versus triple arthrodesis


DeVries et al J Foot Ankle Surg 2015

- 40 arthrodesis for valgus hindfoot deformity

- 20 double arthrodesis (STJ + TNJ), 20 triple arthrodesis (STJ + TNJ + CCJ)

- no difference in deformity correction between two groups

- suggest may not need CCJ fusion




doubleDouble CT

Subluxation of TNJ with advanced STJ OA




TNJ OA with posterior / medial / anterior facet OA of the subtalar joint




Subtalar OAInjection

Injection to subtalar joint to see level of improvement


Subtalar Arthrodesis




Isolated STJ arthritis with minimal deformity









Silvampatti et al J ISAKOS 2023

- systematic review of open versus arthroscopic

- 22 studies with 1000 patients

- open: union rate 91% at average 16 weeks, complication rate 20%

- arthroscopic: union rate 96% at average 12 weeks, complication rate 13%


Open subtalar arthrodesis






Arthrex open subtalar arthrodesis video


JOMI open subtalar arthrodesis video


Patient supine with roll under hip to expose lateral aspect foot


Direct lateral approach

- tip of fibula toward base of 4th metatarsal

- internervous plane between SPN and sural nerve


Superficial dissection

- peroneal tendons lifted dorsally

- elevate EBD and fatty tissue over sinus tarsi

- expose STJ / CCJ / sinus tarsi


Deep dissection

- remove talocalcaneal interosseous ligament

- clear out sinus tarsi

- diathermy artery of tarsal sinus

- insert lamina spreader to expose posterior facet

- need to expose medial facet


Debridement of cartilage and bone

- recreate 2 flat surfaces that come together in 5o valgus

- drill holes to stimulate bleeding +/- bone graft

- if previous calcaneal fracture, decompress lateral wall (5 - 10mm removed)



- 6.5 mm/ 8.0 mm cannulated screw

- inferior calcaneum into body and neck of talus / talus to calcaneum


Arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis




Lateral / supine position with lateral portals

Prone position with posterior +/- accessory lateral portals




Vumedi posterior arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis video


Arthroscopic techniques lateral arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis video


JBJS Essential Techniques Posterior Arthroscopic Subtalar PDF




Banerjee et al J Foot Ankle Surg 2021

- systematic review of 10 studies and 240 feet

- union rate with arthroscopic subtalar fusion 95%

- time to union 10wks

- higher fusion rate with lateral approach

- lower complication rate with posterior approach


Shamrock et al Orthop JSM 2020

- systematic review of portals for arthroscopic subtalar fusion

- lateral portals nonunion rate: 1%

- 2 posterior portals nonunion rate: 8%

- posterior portals with accessory lateral portal nonunion rate: 6%

- no difference in complication rate


Triple arthrodesis




Valgus deformity



- correct position of the calcaneum under the  talus - 5 degrees of valgus



- talus internally rotated on calcaneum

- navicular abducted on talus



- TNJ / CCJ subluxed - need to open and reduce prior to reducing STJ

- may require tendoachilles lengthening

- may require allograft bone block

- may have deficient skin laterally




Acumed triple arthrodesis video


Acumed triple arthrodesis video 2


Lateral approach

- expose subtalar joint and CCJ


Medial approach to TNJ

- between Tibialis anterior and Tibialis posterior

- protect saphenous nerve and vein

- expose TNJ and debride joint

- reduce joint by adduction /plantar flexion / pronation



- open and reduce joint



- reducing calcaneum back under talus difficult

- lamina spreader between lateral process talus and anterior aspect of calcaneum

- calcaneum internally rotates / talus externally rotates in screw like motion

- need to have all joints opened and exposed for this to occur


Tendoachilles lengthening

- formal Z lenthening

- Hoke lengthening - 2 half incisions laterally, 1 half incision medially between them



- TJN screws

- CCJ screws +/- plate

- STJ screws




Infection / wound complications


Ebalard et al Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2014

- 72 hind and midfoot fusions with minimum 10 year follow up

- 2 deep infections, 2 superficial infections

- 7 delayed wound healing

- 10 CRPS


Malunion / Deformity

Varus malunion

- relatively uncommon

- patients with cavovarus foot initially

- varus position of subtalar joint

- walk on lateral border of foot

- lateral column overload


Valgus malunion

- patient with planovalgus foot initially

- subfibular impingement / fibular stress fracture

- can lead to deltoid ligament failure and ankle OA




Cates et al J Foot Ankle Surg 2022

- systematic review of double versus triple arthrodesis

- union rate double: 92%

- union rate triple: 93%

- time to union 16 - 17 weeks


Allport et al Foot Ankle Int 2021

- 381 hind or midfoot arthrodesis

- 6X higher risk of nonunion in smokers


CT triple






Ankle joint arthritis


Ebalard et al Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2014

- 72 hind and midfoot fusions with minimum 10 year follow up

- 73% tibiotalar arthritis