Metatarsal Fractures

Metatarsal Fractures


Indications for Surgery


1.  Displacement > 4 mm

2.  Angulation > 10o

3.  Intra-articular


Base of 5th Metatarsal




Zone 1

- avulsion fractures


Base of fifth MT FractureZone 1 base 5th displaced


Zone 2

- fracture at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction

- fracture closely akin to the injury described by Jones 


Fifth Metatarsal Undisplaced Avulsion Fracture5th Metatarsal Stress Fracture


Zone 3

- proximal diaphysis

- stress fracture of the proximal 1.5 cm of the shaft of the fifth metatarsal

- these fractures are not acute 

- always have prodromal symptoms or radiographic signs of repetitive stress injury


Base of 5th Metatarsal Fracture Zone 2Jones FractureJones Fracture 2


Zone 1



- tuberosity avulsion fracture

- usually extra-articular but may extend into cuboid-metatarsal joint



- Peroneus brevis contracture following inversion 




1.  Apophysis 

- smooth and longitudinal 

- appears F 9-11 M 11-14 

- can look displaced or fragmented

- fuses 2-3 yrs after appearance

- apophysis does not enter cuboid-MT joint


2.  Os peroneum


3.  Os Vesalium


Os Vesalium


Non Operative Management


WBAT in moonboot


Randomised trial

- cast v soft dressings

- better outcome without cast


Operative indications


Displaced intra-articular fracture > 30% of articular surface / > 2mm step

- rare 

- aim to restore integrity of the cuboid MT joint



- open / closed reduction with pinning/screws


Zone 2 



- transverse fracture of 5th MT shaft 1.5cm from base 

- at diaphysis / metaphysis junction

- goes into the 4th/5th MT joint



- adduction to forefoot


Non Operative


Undisplaced fracture

- NWB for 6-8/52

- xray healing occurs from medial to lateral

- lags behind clinical healing by weeks to months

- lack of clinical healing after 8-10/52 NWB is not unusual

- consider continued protection / cast immobilisation / surgery at that time


Quill OCNA 1995

- 1/3 went on to re-fracture

- argument for early surgery





- displaced / athlete / non union

- 50% either do not heal primarily or refracture



- IM screw / TBW / plate +/- bone graft


Zone 3



- diaphyseal stress fracture

- distal to 4/5 MT joint

- secondary to repetitive distraction force



- cortical hypertrophy, narrowing medullary canal & periosteal reaction

- prolonged immobilization often required

- may take 20/52







NWB initially


Competitive athlete 

- bone graft & IM screw +/- USS

- NWB 6/52


Lareau et al Foot Ankle Int 2016

- 25 NFL players with acute Jones fracture

- Jones specific screw with BMAC from iliac crest

- average RTP of 8.7 weeks

- 12% refracture requiring revision surgery


Jones Screw 2



Surgical technique

- shaft of 5th MT is not straight

- entry point is high and medial to get straight shot

- may need to sequential increase cannulated drill size

- Jones specific screws 4.5, 5.5, 6.0 with low profile heads


Neck of 5th / Shaft metatarsal fractures


Fifth Metatarsal Neck Fracture