DDx Metatarsalgia



Pain in the forefoot in the region of the MT heads


3 groups


1.  Localised


Morton's neuroma


Stress fracture

Infection / tumour

Plantar Keratosis

Plantar Wart


2.  Systemic disease




3.  Altered forefoot biomechanics / Transfer Metatarsalgia

- irregular Distribution of MT load


A  1st ray insufficiency syndrome

- splayed forefoot

- 1st ray unloaded


Metatarsalgia Splayed Foot


B.  Short 1st MT 

- > 2 cm back from 2nd MT

- varus 1st MT

- 1st ray unloaded


Metatarsalgia Short 1st Metatarsal


C.  Hyper-extended MTPJ with claw toe


D.  Iatrogenic

- bunion surgery

- excision of metatarsal head


E.  Lax soft tissues

- Lis franc injury


F.  Flatfoot

- supination, elevation of 1st metatarsal