Ankle Arthroscopy



Ankle Arthroscopy TractionAnkle scopeAnkle scope syndesmosis




Anterior ankle arthroscopy

Posterior ankle and hindfoot arthroscopy


Anterior ankle arthroscopy




Osteochondral lesions

Loose bodies

Tibial talar anterior impingement

Syndesmotic injuries

Anterolateral impingement


Ankle arthrodesis


Stage IIITalus MRI

Talus ostechondral lesions


Loose bodiesAnkle Scope Loose BodyAnkle Scope Loose Body 2

Ankle loose bodies


Ankle CT Anterior OsteophyteAnterior ankle spur

Anterior tibial spur and tibio-talar impingment


Syndes 2SyndesSyndes 3




Supine on table with tourniquet +/- traction

- standard knee arthroscope which allows outflow

- 2.7 mm 30° scope - smaller but no outflow

- often insufflate ankle joint with fluid prior to portals




Ankle Arthroscopy TractionHalter traction

Foot halter traction attached to bed




Halter traction - to bed / to surgeon

Calcaneal pins




Ankle Scope Medial and Lateral PortalsAnkle scope

Anteromedial and anterolateral portals


Anterolateral (AL) portals

- lateral to peroneus tertius

- often inserted first so can transilluminate and avoid saphenous nerve on AM portal

- structure at risk is branches superficial peroneal nerve

- incision in skin only and blunt dissect down to capsule

- insert blunt trochar behind anterior extensor tendons aiming medially


Anteromedial (AM) portal

- medial to tibialis anterior

- structure at risk is great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve

- use transillumination to avoid

- insert and visualise needle

- skin incision only and blunt dissection to capsule


Ankle Superficial Peroneal Nerve

Superficial peroneal nerve




Vumedi 21 point ankle arthroscopy video


Arthroscopy techniques ankle arthroscopy



- talar dome and tibial plafond for chondral lesions

- medial gutter

- lateral gutter

- syndesmosis

- posterior capsule and FHL


Ankle Scope Talar DomeAnkle Arthroscopy Medial Gutter

Talar dome


Ankle Scope Medial GutterAnkle Scope Medial Gutter

Medial gutter


Ankle scope lateral gutterAnkle Scope Lateral Gutter

Lateral gutter


Ankle Arthroscopy Lateral GutterAnkle scope syndesmosisAnkle scope syndesmosis 2



Syndes 3Disrupted syndesmosis

Disrupted and unstable syndesmosis


Ankle Scope Posteromedial CapsuleAnkle scope posterior capsule laterally

Posterior capsule and FHL




Arshad et al BJJ 2023

- systematic review of complications following anterior ankle arthroscopy

- overall complication rate 4%

- neurological injury 2%

- superficial peroneal nerve most commonly injured

- some deep peroneal / saphenous



- compartment syndrome - extravasation of fluid into calf

- infection


- pseudoaneurysm


Pseudoaneurysm AngiographyPseudoaneurysm MRI

Pseudoaneurysm following anterior ankle arthroscopy


Posterior ankle and hindfoot arthroscopy






Insertional achilles tendinosis / Haglund's deformity / retrocalcaneal bursitis

Posterior ankle impingement - os trigonum / FHL tendinopathy

Posterior talus osteochondral lesions

Subtalar arthritis / arthrodesis



Posterior ankle arthroscopyPosterior ankle scope





- just lateral to tendoachilles tendon

- at the level of or just above the tip of fibula

- aim for 1st webspace

- stay medial to sural nerve



- just medial to tendoachilles tendon

- at the level or just above the tip of the medial malleolus

- aim laterally to avoid posteromedial neurvascular structures

- aim for webspace between 2nd and 3rd toe




Vumedi posterior ankle arthroscopy portals


Vumedi posterior ankle arthroscopy technique


JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques PDF




Arshad et al BJJ 2023

- systematic review of complications following posterior ankle arthroscopy

- overall complication rate 7%

- neurological injury 4%


Nickisch et al JBJS Am 2012

- 189 posterior ankle and hindfoot arthroscopies

- 2% sural nerve injury, 2% plantar numbness

- 1% infection