

Perfusion Estimation


1. ABI



- use doppler US & BP cuff

- systolic BP at ankle & arm

- ABI = Ankle / Brachial


Normal Range

.9 – 1.3


Measurement in DM

- may be falsely elevated due to calcification of media

- “trusted when low but not high”

- <.9 suggestive of PVD

- <.7 severe PVD


2. Transcutaneous O2 Measurement  (TcPO2)


Measured by electrode placed on warmed foot

- affected by oedema/ infection / neuropthy

- <25 mmHg = unlikely to heal


3. Toe Blood Pressure


Measured by plethysmography

- >30 mmHg = good wound healing potential

- Less sensitive / specific than TcPO2




 If foot pulses are absent / asymmetric


Osteomyelitis Imaging


1. X-Ray


- may not show changes in early stages (<14 days)

- later Stages - Triad– Osteolysis, periosteal reaction, bone destruction


2. MRI


Most sensitive imaging for diabetic foot infections



- bone oedema

- abscesses (Low Signal T1; Gad Ring enhancement)