A fixed equinus deformity of the forefoot in relation to the hindfoot
- resulting in an abnormally high arch that fails to flatten with weight bearing
- deformity may be forefoot, hindfoot or combination
A fixed equinus deformity of the forefoot in relation to the hindfoot
- resulting in an abnormally high arch that fails to flatten with weight bearing
- deformity may be forefoot, hindfoot or combination
Acquired Adult Flatfoot Deformity (AAFD)
- collapse of medial longitudinal arch
- secondary to ligament / tendon / joint or bony pathology
Flexible / Physiological
Ligamentous Laxity (DIAL HOME)
- Congenital Vertical Talus
- Tarsal Coalition
Reduction of space available for neural elements in spinal canal or intervertebral foramina
- due to degenerative changes, congenital abnormalities or both
- involves compression of the thecal sac or nerve roots
Onset 50 - 60's
- M = F
- associated with onset OA spine