swan neck

Rheumatoid Thumb

Nalebuff Classification


Type I - Boutonniere 

- commonest

- MP flexion /  IP hyperextension

- usually EPB rupture with EPL subluxation


Rheumatoid Boutonniere Thumb


Type II

- Boutonniere & Swan Neck

- doesn't exist according to Nalebuff


Rheumatoid Fingers

ConditionsBoutonniere Fingers


1.  PIPJ Synovitis

- synovectomy via dorsomedial approach

2.  Flexor tenosynovitis

- may cause trigger finger

- trial HCLA

- remove synovits but don't release A1 pulley

- will worsen ulna drift

3.  DIPJ

- rarely affects

Management Summary

Rheumatoid Hands Xray


Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnostic Criteria


1987 American College of Rheumatology 


Need 4/7 (MAX RANS)

1. Morning Stiffness

2. Arthritis of 3 areas > 6/52

3. Xray changes

4. Rh factor

5. Arthritis of Hand > 6/52

6. Nodules

7. Symmetric Arthritis > 6/52

Hand RA Exam

Screening of Joints



-  ROM



- behind head / to mouth

- to back pocket 



- flexion / extension elbows 

- pronation / supination with thumb up & elbows by side



- flexion / extension



- make fist with thumb in and out