fracture dislocation




1.  Neck of 5th Metacarpal

2.  Metacarpal Shaft

3.  Metacarpal Head

4.  Base of Metacarpal Fracture Dislocations

5.  MCPJ dislocations


1.  Neck of 5th Metacarpal Fracture


Non operative Management


Accept 45o angulation

- will have finger extensor lag, but will recover

Thoraco Lumbar Fracture

Xray Assessment


A:  Alignment

B:  Bony

C:  Canal

D:  Disc

S:  Soft tissues


Goals of surgery


1.  Correct deformity

2.  Restore stability

3.  Decompress neural elements if required





- defines level of conus

- may need anterior rather than posterior surgery if lesion above conus